Shell Alberta
We have worked with major oilsands producers in Canada within the last 30 years to provide services ranging from conceptual studies to full detailed engineering design, procurement, and the construction of heavy oil upgrading facilities. Bantrel oil, gas, and chemical subject matter experts are committed to supporting the needs of our Clients, while delivering innovative, cost effective solutions based on our deep experience, and continuous improvement and innovative approach to designs, project delivery, and execution.
Featured Expertise
- Mining
- Bitumen extraction
- Diluent Recovery
- LC Fining/H Oil
- Delayed coking
- Gas Oil Hydrotreating
- Offsites & Utilities
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Sulfur Recovery and Handling
- Gas Dehydration, Compression and Storage
- Gas/Oil Gathering, Separation, Production & Transportation
- Gas Treating/Acid Gas Removal
- NGL Recovery, Processing and Fractionation
- Nitrogen Rejection
- Operations and Maintenance Support