Ethics & Compliance

Committed to the highest ethical standards

Bantrel will conduct all business transactions in a proper, fair, impartial, and ethical manner, avoiding even the appearance of impropriety

We seek Clients and partners who share our Values and standards of conduct.

Modern Slavery Act Report

Bantrel's Modern Slavery Act Report outlines the steps we’ve taken to enhance our procedures and gain deeper insights into the risks associated with modern slavery and human rights issues within our operations and supply chain networks. It highlights our ongoing commitment to refining our practices and minimizing these risks.

Download and read our Modern Slavery Act Report.

Ongoing Training

Bantrel follows the Bechtel Ethics & Compliance program which is designed to promote an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct, a commitment to the Bechtel and Bantrel Values, and compliance with the law.

Our colleagues receive basic ethics training, compliance training for the legal risk areas they are likely to encounter in their jobs, and scenario-based training led by their managers. We require colleagues to participate in ethics awareness workshops annually and to complete compliance training as assigned.


We encourage and expect Bantrel employees to speak up if they become aware of any unlawful or unethical conduct, conflicts of interest, unsafe conditions, or other situations inconsistent with the Bantrel standards of conduct. The Bantrel commitment to ethics and compliance is a fundamental component of our business.

All Bantrel staff have access to The Bechtel Ethics HelpLine which is a confidential means of communication separate from line management available to employees to discuss any ethics or compliance question or concern. The HelpLine is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by an independent service provider. We make available native speakers or translators of more than 200 languages.

Our colleagues can raise issues online and outside the Bechtel network via a web portal at Colleagues can access this portal using any Internet connection, and Bechtel log-in information is not required.

The site includes frequently asked questions about the HelpLine process and a copy of the Bechtel Code of Conduct.


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