Health & Safety

Bantrel believes every workplace incident is preventable

Bantrel Health and Safety (H&S) management system

Our 100% Safe, philosophy extends to our employees, contractors, and the communities in which we operate—the Bantrel leadership team is forthright about their commitment to health and safety.

Bantrel believes every workplace incident is preventable. This core belief is embedded in our corporate culture and integrated into every aspect of our operations.

Our safety systems and procedures focus on the hazards that expose our employees to risk, promoting the Bantrel belief that every incident is preventable.



ISO 45001:2018

Bantrel is proud to announce our recent Occupational Health and Safety Managment System Certification.   


The Bantrel Health and Safety program encompasses all aspects of safety in design, supply chain management (SCM), and construction.


Safety in design is a continuous process that is initiated during the conceptual phase of a project and continuously developed throughout the project as more design information becomes available, as better definitions of the hazards are available, and as mitigation solutions are refined. 


Bantrel is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace. To facilitate this approach, we have established supplier and subcontractor pre-qualification requirements, which includes Safety and Health, that apply to all projects, regardless of geographic location. Compliance with all applicable laws, regulatory requirements, and Bantrel pre-qualification requirements is expected at all times. 


The Bantrel innovative Health and Safety system is tailored to construction projects providing real-time data at the workface, related to the hazards associated to the work being completed.


Differentiators with HSE Program

Employee and Contractor Participation

Bantrel H&S strength rests with our employees and contractors being actively involved in all aspects of our HSE program implementation. Bantrel employees and contractors are continually engaged in discussions on our health and safety, including joint health and safety committees and our people-based management system.

Safety for Site

The Bantrel Safety for Site program provides accurate, comprehensive, and innovative HSE solutions to assist Clients with performing work in a safe, effective, and efficient manner. Our single source of data system, accessed in real-time for each HSE need, is proven successful for our projects and Clients.

Internal Audit Progam

Bantrel implements a comprehensive internal audit program, with auditors certified as per ISO 19011 in auditing integrated management systems. Our internal audit program consists of integrated audits as per three ISO management systems requirements (health & safety, quality, and environment) on all our processes.


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