
A leader in our efforts to support our communities

Bantrel takes pride in our commitment to our people and to our communities. Our team members demonstrate personal leadership through volunteerism, corporate philanthropy, and their continued commitment to these initiatives. The greatest asset to Bantrel has always been and will continue to be, our people! 

Some of the key initiatives/causes that Bantrel has supported include:

  • Local Food Banks
  • Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids
  • Canada Blood Services
  • Corporate Challenge
  • Enbridge Tour Alberta For Cancer
  • Local City-Wide Cleanup
  • Canstruction®
  • MS Bike
  • Salvation Army - Angel Tree Program
  • United Way
  • Tree Canada
  • Women's Emergency Shelters 
  • Engineering Day of Caring
  • Movember


Bantrel Cares

Bantrel Cares is a a corporately matched giving program. We connect our team members with a diverse listing of registered Canadian charities, and will match donations to the charity of choice up to a maximum of $500 per donation. Bantrel, respects and cares about the values of each individual and Bantrel Cares is one way to demonstrate that. 



Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer

Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer

Bantrel continues to support and participate in the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer. On July 20–21, #TeamBantrel (made up of 11 riders and an ambitious support crew) joined over 1,500 cyclists in Strathmore, AB to ride over 200km in this year’s 2024 Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer. With the help of #BantrelCares and the incredible generosity of friends and family, Bantrel’s ride team surpassed its fundraising goals, raising over $33,000 in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation!

From 2013–2017, Bantrel was a Peloton Partner/Sponsor in the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer (RTCC), which included a corporate team of registered riders, as well as Bantrel volunteers hosting one of the Pit Stops for riders along the course. This two-day bicycle trip is a monumental task, directly supporting the patients and families utilizing Calgary’s Tom Baker Centre and Edmonton’s Cross Cancer Institute. Bantrel employees from across the province have participated and volunteered in this life changing event. 

Engineering Day of Caring

Engineering Day of Caring

The Engineering Day of Caring (EDOC) is an annual event, now celebrating its 18th annual. Executed in partnership with the United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, where the engineering community comes together to challenge each other to strengthen communities across the region. 

This year’s 2024 project supported the Family First Society in Fort Saskatchewan. The Family First Society is a not-for-profit that provides support in mental health, victim services, social assistance, a multitude of programs, all free of charge. 

Projects included the installation of storage and a new boot room, new electrical, the addition of sound dampening tiles, building new fences and benches, painting, sewing, completion of a sensory room, and some unique art projects including a rock-climbing wall!

Tree Canada

Tree Canada

In 2021 Bantrel became a Partner in Planting with TreeCanada, a national not-for-profit dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments. Giving back to our community through community giving and volunteerism is just one way Bantrel is demonstrating our commitment to sustainability. Bantrel volunteers continue to plant native shrubs and trees in both Edmonton and Calgary communities, annually. 


Brown Bagging for Kids

Brown Bagging for Kids

BB4CK (Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids) is a non-profit charitable organization which provides free lunches in schools to children who otherwise may not have a lunch. #TeamBantrel had the wonderful opportunity to help out in a hands-on and in-person way by assembling 1842 lunches. We look forward to supporting BB4CK in the future.

Bantrel Gives Blood - Partners for Life

Bantrel Gives Blood - Partners for Life

#TeamBantrel is proud to have supported Partners for Life since 2018, with over 200 members donating blood across Canada, multiple times each year. A personal and meaningful way Bantrel is proud to give.

YYC Pathway and River Cleanup

YYC Pathway and River Cleanup

The 56th annual Calgary Pathway and River Cleanup took place in 2023, marking Bantrel's third year of participation. Each year, #TeamBantrel looks forward to beautifying the communities in which we live and work.



Teams from YYC and YEG participated in Canstruction® 2024, supporting local food banks. This year the Bantrel teams took home top prize for Structural Ingenuity in Calgary with it's 6-foot Pac Man design, and won People's Choice, Most Cans, Structural Ingenuity, and Best Original Design awards for Edmonton's Star Wars themed build of Imperial TIE Fighters. Together, both teams contributed approximately 6,000 cans of food for our communities.

Canstruction Team Pacman

Canstruction® Calgary, 2024

This year's theme was Retro Toys and Games, You CAN Play. Our Calgary team designed and built an adorable 6-foot-high Pac Man, two ghosts, and framed the design with the maze walls.

Spruce Meadows

Spruce Meadows

Bantrel has been a long-time and proud supporter of Spruce Meadows. Since 1994, Spruce Meadows has held the Bantrel Cup during the Spruce Meadows Summer Series, the "National" Tournament, usually held during the month of June.

Bantrel was also proud to sponsor the 2023 Spruce Meadows International Christmas Market Petting Zoo.

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