Leduc Gas Cap Blowdown Project




1988 - 1991



Bantrel was initially awarded a contract to prepare a Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) and associated cost estimate for the modification of Esso's Devon and Golden Spike Gas Plants to process the Leduc field gas cap.  The work was subsequently expanded to include process design, detailed engineering, procurement assistance, and field engineering assistance.

The scope included compressor revamps, installation of 3400 HP of grass roots compression facilities, dehydration, extensive metering and piping modifications and installation of a new air compressor.  It also included detailed analyses of the flare systems for both plants that uncovered the need for modifications at Devon and a new flare at Golden Spike.  New DCS’s were installed at both plants connecting the new and pre-existing instrumentation.  This involved an extension to the control building at Golden Spike.  A new electrical substation was constructed at Golden Spike to service the new compression facilities.

Each plant was completed on schedule and within budget. Engineering was completed in July, 1989. Bantrel supported Esso by providing field engineering assistance. Each plant was completed on schedule and within budget. The Devon plant started up in November, 1990 at design rates, and Golden Spike started up in March, 1991.

Services Provided

  • Engineering
  • Procurement
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