Hardisty Connectivity Project




2012 - 2018



Completed detailed engineering and DBM for a pipeline connection to a terminal manifold. The scope involved:
  • NPS 36 pipeline (EP to YP) connectivity from terminal fenceline / right-of-way to manifold including receiving trap
  • Routing above grade on pipe racks and then underground until connection to the manifold
    • Connectivity at manifold included connections to the existing tank suction lines and the future tank to allow for crude deliveries from the new incoming pipeline to any of these tanks
  • Batch Detection Building
Pipeline Connection to Line Pump Suction scope involved:
  • NPS 36 pipeline to be connected to pump station suction - line was installed on new pipe rack that went south past the manifold
Pipeline Line 67 Connection to Line 4 scope involved:
  • Line 67 NPS 30 jump-over connection to Line 4 for emergency supply to Line 4 mainline pump
  • Emergency power to Emergency Shutdown Valves

Services Provided

  • Engineering
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