Fortis BC’s Tilbury Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facility Expansion Project, located in southwestern BC, will produce LNG at a rate of 0.25 MTPA. The project includes gas pre-treatment, liquefaction, utilities, compressors, LNG storage and LNG transfer to transport tankers and ISO containers, as well as all other facilities scope.
Bantrel has been responsible for providing engineering and procurement services for the above plant facilities. Bechtel’s Tank group (Houston) is responsible for the design and procurement of a 1.0 BCF LNG storage tank. Bantrel engineering has coordinated the Chart, TDE, and Bechtel scopes for an overall integrated facility. Bechtel Canada Co. is executing the project under a lump sum agreement with Fortis BC.
Bantrel Constructors Co. (BCC) has been providing construction management and site supervision for the LNG facility expansion project, as well as self performing construction services using its local unionized craft labour. Some small scopes have been managed through specialty sub-contractor & site service contracts.
Project was executed on a lump sum basis using a joint Bechtel/Bantrel team with seamless integration.
The majority of the craft was provided on a Direct Hire basis supplemented by local contractors.
The execution strategy included multiple packaged technology skids to economize on cost and schedule.

Services Provided
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
Completed By
- Bantrel Management Services Co.
- Bantrel Constructors Co.